
受付時間 9:00~18:00(年末年始を除く)






[October 9, 2024]

This maintanance has been completed.
Thank you for your cooperation.



作業日時2024年10月9日(水) 午前0:10 ~午前5:00
対象地域可児市 御嵩町 全域 
191ch WOWOWプライム
236ch BSアニマックス
251ch BS釣りビジョン 





Dear CTK-NET Customer,
Thank you very much for your continued patronage of cable TV Kani. We will carry out maintenance of our broadcasting equipment during the following times.

Work ScheduleWednesday, October 9, 2024 0:10 a.m. ~ 5:00 a.m.
During the above hours, the BS digital broadcasting service will be suspended due to maintenance of our equipment.
Affected AreasKani City Mitake Town  Entire
Services to stopBS Digital Broadcasting Service
191ch WOWOW Prime
236ch BS Animax
251ch BS Fishing Vision      

If the channel has scheduled the recording of the program after the resumption of broadcasting before the broadcast was suspended, the recording after the resumption of broadcasting may fail. This is the case if you have set up a weekly schedule before the broadcast is suspended.
If you have made such a recording reservation, you may be asked to reset the recording schedule of the station after the resumption of broadcasting on some models.

If you last watched the relevant channel and turned off the power, you may not be able to watch it because the video will not be displayed even if you turn it on the next day. In that case, please select the channel that does not stop broadcasting, watch it for about 30 seconds, and then select the desired channel that you could not watch.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding and cooperation.